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Resource: Water footprint in gold extraction: a case-study in Suárez, Cauca, Colombia
Resource: Water Sensitive Planning for the Cities in the Global South
Resource: The role of power in leveraging the diverse values of nature for transformative change
Resource: The Spatial Scale Dependence of The Hurst Coefficient in Global Annual Precipitation Data
Resource: Soil and water conservation and sustainable development
Resource: Re-integration of heritage water systems: spatial lessons for present-day water management
Resource: Payments for ecosystem services
Resource: Overexpression of PSR1 in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii induces luxury phosphorus uptake
Resource: Multi-dimensional data preparation
Resource: Improving sustainable groundwater resource management
Resource: Implications of watershed management practices on water availability using Hydrus 1D Model
Resource: Implementation of payments for ecosystem services in Cali, Colombia
Resource: Impact of sustainable land management on vegetation cover using remote sensing
Resource: IWA nature-based solutions for wastewater treatment
Resource: Gap analysis and methodological framework
Resource: Fixing the broken phosphorus cycle
Resource: Conceptualization of alternative food networks in Latin America
Resource: Commission for the Upper Cauca River Basin Recovery
Resource: A synthesis of surface water quality in Awash Basin, Ethiopia
News: X Reunión Waterlat-Gobacit
News: Writer in the Lab: Part 2
News: Writer in the Lab: Part 1
News: Women in Water
News: Water security in rural communities
News: Valuing water in the National Capital Territory of Delhi
News: Value of remote sensing techniques for groundwater management in Delhi, India
News: The sowing of water
News: Surface water and groundwater: one water
News: Stepwells - Connecting people to water
News: Stakeholder workshop: Assessing Water Sensitivity in Addis Ababa
News: Spotlight newsletter | World Water Day 2022
News: Resilience of water resource systems in a changing climate
News: Only One Earth - World Environment Day
News: Newsletter March 2023 | Assembly special
News: Newsletter December 2023
News: Nature-based solutions for environmental sustainability
News: Nature-based solutions and adaptation measures for sustainable urban development
News: Khattara - Waterscapes of Morocco
News: Key lessons from the latest IPCC Report
News: Inter-institutional cooperation to facilitate long-term action
News: Integrating indigenous and local knowledge with academic science
News: IWMI | Water values in Ethiopia
News: Going virtual reduces Hub's environmental impact
News: Collaboratory update October 2022 | India
News: Collaboratory update November 2023 | Colombia
News: Collaboratory update May 2022 | Colombia
News: Collaboratory update March 2022 | Malaysia
News: Collaboratory update June 2021 | Colombia
News: Collaboratory update July 2022 | India
News: Collaboratory update April 2023 | India
News: Climate education and literacy for sustainable futures
News: Climate change and adaptation: Malaysia
News: Climate change and adaptation: A spotlight on India
News: Climate change adaptation: Colombia
News: Building sustainable urban infrastructure for risk reduction and climate resilience
News: Adapting to change in divine associations with water
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