Addis Ababa water and sewer services
Field trip reports
05 March 2020

The second Hub Assembly took place in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia in February 2020. Addis Ababa (“new flower”) was established as the capital city of Ethiopia in 1886 and has grown to become the largest urban and commercial centre in the country. It has witnessed an alarming rate of development in recent years, attracting millions of people to the city. Water and sewer services are provided by the Addis Ababa Water and Sewer Authority (AAWSA) but an IWA found sanitation provision in the city to be “grossly deficient”. During the Hub Assembly, delegates visited two sites of interest: the Kaliti Wastewater Treatment Plant and the Legedadid Water Treatment Plant.
Here, three of our ECRs - Anna Murgatroyd, Giacomo Butte, and Tatiana Zúñiga Burgos - report on the field trips and offer their thoughts on the challenges both sites face.