India - An overview of the challenges faced
Our Early Career Network team in India explain the challenges faced in the Barapullah Basin, National Capital Territory (NCT) of Delhi
05 February 2021
Barapullah Basin
Situated on the western bank of the Yamuna River, in the southern part of the NCT of Delhi, the Barapullah Basin is the pilot region for the India Collaboratory team. Lying in the floodplain of the Yamuna River, the total catchment area of the basin is 376.27 km2, with large, urbanised areas.
There is a clear inadequacy in three water networks – water supply, sewage systems, and storm water management, demonstrating that the water sources in Delhi could be unsafe. Some of the main risks to water security identified by the team are population growth, climate variability, poverty, and urbanisation.
To achieve enhanced water security in NCT Delhi the India Collaboratory team are implementing an integrated four-level approach – take a look at this video to find out more.
IIT Delhi
The Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IIT Delhi) is a pilot region for the Barapullah Basin and NCT of Delhi. Covering an area of around 320 acres, the campus serves as a mini township model suitable for testing various water components and frameworks that could be replicated for larger regions.
Some initiatives implemented on campus over the past two decades include wetland conservation, sewage treatment plants, and rainwater harvesting, amongst many others. The campus also serves as an ideal location for testing drainage systems, with hydraulic modelling contributing to analysis of the landmass capacity to absorb rainfall, showing thus far that with increased urbanisation the landmass capacity is ultimately reduced.
Watch this video to find out more about the research taking place at IIT Delhi.