Infographic update | India
To celebrate our first in-person Hub Assembly since the COVID-19 pandemic, we produced a series of infographics to capture some of our achievements to date, including key research findings and exciting next steps in each of our Collaboratories.
09 January 2023

Objective: Equitable and sustainable water security for the people and environment of NCT of Delhi
Key findings
Groundwater levels are declining globally, and Delhi’s water demand is ever increasing. Our India Collaboratory team has identified that the population of South Delhi is facing the biggest groundwater decline in the region, with levels dropping by 3.5m. Their research also shows that both rainfall intensity and variability have increased, and peak rainfall patterns are changing due to climate change. The team’s assessments in the NCT of Delhi have found that water supply and access are inequitable; substantial parts of the population are not connected to piped supply, and there is a large sewerage capacity deficit. The India Collaboratory has identified water pollution hotspots, and findings confirm that the Yamuna River is most polluted at the stretch below Delhi – worryingly, this is also the area most used for drinking water.
The India team has significantly strengthened ties with key stakeholders and decision makers, signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Delhi Jal Board (DJB), the government agency responsible for potable water supply to most of NCT Delhi. They have also been involved in Delhi Master Plans and Layout Plans for greenfield developments and new towns, embedding elements of Water Sensitive Planning (WSP) into those projects. The launch of a new real-time flood reporting app will help to fill data gaps on urban flooding and engage local communities as citizen scientists.
Next steps
The India Collaboratory team is working with multiple stakeholders to develop a knowledge sharing and participation network to address multiple risks including health, flooding, and safe water supply. The team has established a Water Sensitive Planning cross-Hub working group, leading the Hub’s research on embedding water within city and regional planning for sustainable urban development. To accompany the new ‘Flood Watch’ app the India team is developing a digital toolbox to assist policy makers and will be carrying out storm drainage assessments to aid the development of a flood early warning system. Next steps include assessments of access to WASH services and exploring sustainable water reuse options. Building on the creation of the Centre for Water Studies and water security curriculum modules, Indian colleagues are working to embed water security in higher education. The team are also carrying out assessments into gaps in water governance, and enabling dialogues between disparate governing bodies for integrated water resource management and equitable water access.