Early Career Research Showcase - Part 2: Posters and graphics
Posters and graphics from day two of our Early Career Research Showcase, Hub Assembly November 2022
05 January 2023

Carolina Salcedo Portilla

Carolina's display at the Showcase - the QR code leads viewers to the video

The traditional knowledge of riparian or amphibious communities is fundamental for studying, caring for, and conserving aquatic ecosystems. The photograph was chosen to preserve the essence of the amphibious people of the Cauca River.
Intermittent Water Supply and Water Storage Strategies in Cajibio, Cauca - Ángela Bayona-Valderrama

Ángela's installation displayed the many water storage strategies currently implemented in Cajibio. The installation was centred on water-filled storage devices, used in this case to sustain the entire photo display.

The installation invited spectators to gather and discuss household water practices, while Angela introduced them to the topic of intermittent water supply in Colombia and its close relationship with water storage practices within households.

Backyard wells are quite common in Cajibio. Some were encouraged to close their wells following the arrival of a formal water supplier, but discontinuity in the service has led to some reopening. Which source is better, the tap or the well?

Big water tanks (holding 5,000 litres or more) are used to replace and complement the water supply when the service is shut-off.

Though some users have continuous supply, they store water 'just in case' the service is shut off. This is a prevalent behaviour in systems with history of unreliability.
If you would like to get in touch with any of our researchers about their work, or find out more about the Water Security and Sustainable Development Hub, please contact us here.